The UX@School Online Tracking System was the highlight of the...
Read MoreAre your educational materials truly meeting your students' needs?
The Project
UX@School- User Experience Design for improving digital education in secondary schools project aims at strengthening the role of teachers and trainers in designing student-centred digital environments, activities and materials, exploiting the potential of UX Design in education in order to improve engagement and effectiveness of distance learning in schools.
The project aims to:
1. Support competences for designing and implementing innovative and engaging student-centred learning paths, environments as well as digital materials;
2. Enhance competences for monitoring and assessing student user experience and improving these existing online scenarios applying UX principles design;
3. Boost competences on UX design to be applied to design-implement-assess online effective learning scenarios
UX@School Handbook
A guideline providing basic theory on UX principles, tools and examples for applying UX design in education concepts to the creation of digital environments and materials for effective learning processes. It also incorporates the evaluation tool created by the UX for Teachers partnership to assess the level of accessibility, inclusiveness, effectiveness and engagement” of online environments/materials/activities. It is (mainly but not only) addressed to teachers and trainers not experienced (beginners) who need basic competences to create learning scenarios with high level of accessibility, inclusivity, effectiveness and engagement.
UX@School Online Track System
Online tool for monitoring and evaluating student user experience while interacting with online learning artefacts and environments and based on UX design in education principles. It is aimed (mainly, but not exclusively) at teachers and trainers already experienced in digital learning who wish to evaluate and implement their teaching artefacts.
UX@School MOOC
Exhaustive online training course on how to create more student-centred, effective and engaging digital and online learning scenarios applying the UX design in education concepts, addressed to both beginners and experienced teachers and trainers. The Handbook and Online Tracking System will be also introduced. An “Ambassador training course” will also be organised during the project.
UX@School Ambassador Training Course
Transnational activity targeting teachers and trainers from partner countries. It will provide skills on UX design in education and peer learning experiences through hands-on activities (UX challenge).
Dissemination materials
UX@School National Dissemination Event in Bulgaria – Shaping the Future of Education
UX@School National Dissemination Event: Empowering Education in Bulgaria UX@School National...
Read MoreUX@School National Dissemination Event: Transforming Digital Education with UX Design
Empowering Education Through UX Design – UX@School National Dissemination Event...
Read MorePartners
Learnable is a community of experts working for years on the development of innovative educational practices. Learnable focuses to support European learners in acquiring soft and hard competencies that enable people to achieve their goals both in their work and life.
Learnable is active in different sectors such as adult education, VET education, schools and higher education, promoting innovative educational methodologies in different fields such as digital innovation, inclusion, linguistic skills, green economy and entrepreneurship.
The community seeks innovative solutions in order to make education accessible and inclusive.
Learnable supports the implementation of innovative educational methodologies aimed at facilitating access to education and training, enhancing the quality of the training offer, and ensuring an impact on the learning process.
Akoe Education is an educational institution formed by a group of 8 cooperative schools that share pedagogical principles, management systems and values with a clear desire to improve their educational projects.
Akoe’s actions focus on improving the pedagogical and teaching skills of all the teachers who are part of Akoe schools, also on sharing knowledge and good practices with teachers all over the world.
Among the various initiatives are the ‘Akoe School of Teachers’, teacher training days organised once a year since 2005 to discuss specific educational topics with an average of 300 teachers attending.
The ‘Claustre Akoe’, on the other hand, are pedagogical meetings focusing on specific educational topics attended by all teachers in Akoe schools, organised by level: pre-school education, primary education and secondary education.
There are also five different teachers’ working groups, one for pre-school, one for primary, one for secondary, one for erasmus projects and another one composed of physical education teachers. These working groups meet regularly to develop common actions.
Contact: direccio@akoe.coop8
Budakov Films is a digital studio, passionate about creativity and design of learning experience. Our vision is to create memorable brand identity and also to share our professional experience with like-minded people by delivering training programs that meet their exact needs.
With passion and expertise in multimedia productions and development of digital learning technologies, we help companies and academic institutions to empower their visual brand identity as well as rethink education models and bring innovative digital learning technologies to life.
Budakov Films has participated in many EU co-funded projects, such as Femina – Inclusion of Women in the Cultural and Creative Sector’(2022-1-LU01-KA210-VET-000081625), TOGETHER (DE03-KA227-SCH-093556), EU Digital Framework of Sign Languages (2020-1-IT01-KA202-008386), Flavours of Europe (2021-1-RO01-KA220-ADU-000029562), REGIO.DIGI.HUB (2021-1-RO01-KA220-VET-000028118 ), Climate Change Académie (funded by EIT Climate-KIC), and etc.
RASEINIŲ ŠALTINIO PROGIMNAZIJA was established on 1 September 1989. In 1994, the school was given the name “Šaltinis”. In 2012, the structure of the school was restructured, changing its type from a secondary school to a comprehensive school, in 2014 – from a comprehensive school to a gymnasium.
The legal form of the progymnasium is a budgetary institution. The main purpose is to organize and implement educational programs and to issue documents legitimizing pupils’ learning achievements.
The purpose of the progymnasium activities is to provide pre-primary, primary, first part of the basic curriculum, non-formal education and to develop an independent, responsible person who wants to learn throughout life, improve his/her abilities. Help him/ her acquire the personal, civic and social cultural competencies necessary for successful further learning, gaining a foothold in the world of professional activity, creative participation in the civic, cultural and social life of the country.
More than 600 pupils between the ages of 6 and 15 are enrolled in the school.
Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) is a Greek non-profit organisation committed to the promotion of innovation and the enhancement of the entrepreneurial spirit.
As a state-of-the-art international organization, a certified Center of Excellence and a DIH, iED produces and transfers know-how, boosts entrepreneurial cognitive processes, and supports every entrepreneurial venture across Europe.
Over the years of our activity, we have implemented more than 200 National and European projects under numerous Financial Frameworks and established a wide network of partners and collaborating organizations from Europe and beyond.
Using our network and our expertise in diverse EU-funded research and innovation projects focused on entrepreneurship, we have created an all-inclusive Knowledge Hub that covers the needs of the pan-European entrepreneurial ecosystem.
The institutes of I.I.S. POLO 3 aim at the global formation of the personality of young people able to integrate into society as aware citizens, prepared students, responsible workers. responsible workers.
The school, through its curricular and extracurricular activities, aims to stimulate an organic multi-purpose culture. This enables training that is spendable in the world of work and also valid for those who intend to continue their studies, preparing their minds to respond to the challenges posed to human knowledge by the increasing complexity of problems.
Therefore, the courses of all institutes provide students with the cultural and methodological tools for the understanding of reality so that they can put themselves with a rational, creative planning and critical attitude to situations, phenomena and problems.
The autonomous school is rooted in the territory to which it belongs and is aware of the training needs of the population it serves. The educational needs of the reference population to which it is committed to providing an educational offer suitable the effective insertion of young people in the social context, as citizens and as workers.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Agenzia nazionale Erasmus+ INDIRE. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.